Arbitration Fees
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  1. Article (1)

    Payment Provisions

    1. The requestor of arbitration (Claimant) shall pay an amount of 50 Bahraini dinars as a registration fee for the request for arbitration (Article 65 of the Rules). This fee shall not be refundable.
    2. The Centre shall charge an administrative fee for the services provided to the Parties. It shall be taken into account that the fee shall not exceed 2% of the value of the dispute to be adjudicated and is not refundable.
    3. The administrative fee shall be calculated as a percentage of the disputed amount, as shown in Table No. (1) attached. The administrative fee shall be calculated by adding the amounts calculated for each other's segment in total, but not less than 3,000 Bahraini dinars.
    4. The amount disputed shall be valued on the basis of the total value of all claims, counter-claims and rights upheld for the purpose of set-off.
    5. The Claimant shall pay the owed 50% share of the arbitration expenses to the Centre prior to the commencement of the submission of the dispute file to the Arbitration Tribunal and the commencement of the arbitration proceedings.
    6. The Board of Directors may amend the attached Table No. (1) upon the proposal of the Secretary-General.
  2. Article (2)

    Administrative Fee of the Centre

    1. Arbitrator's fees shall be calculated on the basis of the value of the amount in dispute in accordance with the attached Table No. (2).
    2. If the value of the amount in dispute cannot be confirmed, the Centre shall determine the Arbitration Tribunal's fees, taking into account all relevant circumstances.
    3. If the Tribunal is constituted of a single Arbitrator, the fees listed in Part 1 of Table No. (2) shall be payable. If the tribunal is constituted of three Arbitrators, the fees of the Tribunal listed in Part 2 of the same Table shall be distributed in 40% proportion to the Presiding Arbitrator and 30% to each of its members.
    4. The Arbitrator's right to receive the fees determined is limited in accordance with Table No. (2), and the Arbitrator is considered to have been informed and to have approved of the fees determined by his/her acceptance of the arbitration function.
    5. In the event of the Arbitrator's demise after the commencement of the arbitration proceedings and prior to the final award, the Centre shall determine the Arbitrator fees in consultation with the other members of the Arbitration Tribunal.
    6. Payment of fees shall be made to the Arbitration Tribunal immediately after the expiration of the statutory period to rectify the material errors and such of the final award.
    7. In addition to the Arbitration Tribunal's fees, the Centre shall establish an amount to cover other expenses such as travel expenses of the Arbitration Tribunal, expenses of expert reports, or any other expenses, and the Parties shall deposit with the Centre the total fees and expenses before the transmission of the dispute file to the Tribunal.
    8. The Centre shall collect from the total fees of the Arbitration Tribunal constituted of three Arbitrators a relative return of 20%, and from the Arbitration Tribunal constituted of a single Arbitrator and from expert's fee a relative return of 15%.
    9. The Claimant shall pay a fee in the amount of 10,000 Bahraini dinars upon submission of the request for appointment of an Emergency Arbitrator, of which the Centre shall collect the amount of 6,000 Bahraini dinars (administrative fee) that is not non-refundable and shall pay the remaining 4,000 Bahraini dinars as fees to the Emergency Arbitrator.
    10. No portion of the Emergency Arbitrator's fees can be refunded unless the request is denied.
  3. Article (3)

    Additional Assistance Fees

    1. In the event the Centre is authorised to select Arbitrators in accordance with the rules of procedure, that function shall be performed by the Centre's Secretary-General in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations (Article 21 (a)).
    2. If the Parties agree on the settlement of the dispute in arbitration and other than through the Centre, the Secretary-General of the Centre may, at the written request of the Parties, provide or arrange the facilitation and assistance necessary for the conduct of the arbitration proceedings requested by the Parties, and may include facilitation and assistance necessary to provide a place for arbitration hearings, secretariat assistance, translation, and preservation of documents and arbitration papers (Article 22 of the Regulations).
    3. The Centre shall receive a fee of five hundred Bahraini dinars (500) for each request to the Centre for the appointment of an Arbitrator for arbitration not subject to the Centre's rules of procedure. The Centre shall not accrue any request for the appointment of an Arbitrator unless accompanied by the performance of this non-refundable amount.
    4. The Center shall charge the secretarial fees of the arbitration tribunal at the rate of (300) three hundred Bahraini Dinars per month, at the rate of 8 hours per month, for the work assigned thereto.
    5. The Centre shall receive a fee of fifty Bahraini dinars (50) for providing the party requesting the Lists of Arbitrators/Experts/Secretaries accredited to the Centre.
    6. The Centre shall receive a fee of fifty Bahraini dinars (50) as expenses for the use of the Centre's meeting space (without the provision of secretariat services) for half a day, either from 8:00-12:00 in the morning or from 15:30-19:30 in the evening.
    7. With regard to the fees and costs of translation and the like, it is up to the Secretary-General to determine them on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the nature of the case, the volume of translation work, and other matters.
    8. The Centre shall collect a relative return of 10% from the total fees prescribed to the translator.
    Table No. (1) Administrative Fee of the Centre
    # Disputed Amount Administrative Fees
    From To
    1 Up to 500,000 2% and shall not be less than 3,000 Bahraini dinars
    2 500,001 1,000,000 30,000 + 1.7% For an amount exceeding 500 thousand
    3 1,000,001 2,000,000 40,000 + 1.5% For an amount exceeding 1 million
    4 2,000,001 4,000,000 55,000 + 1% For an amount exceeding 2 million
    5 4,000,001 6,000,000 70,000 + 0.7% For an amount exceeding 4 million
    6 6,000,001 8,000,000 85,000 + 0.5% For an amount exceeding 6 million
    7 8,000,001 10,000,000 100,000 + 0.3% For an amount exceeding 8 million
    8 Over 10 million 120,000 + 0.1% For an amount exceeding 10 million

    All the above-stated amounts are calculated in Bahraini dinars.

    Table No. (2) Part I Fees for an Arbitration Tribunal Constituted of a Single Arbitrator
    # Disputed Amount Fees for an Arbitration Tribunal Constituted of a Single Arbitrator 
    From To
    1 Up to 100,000 5,000
    2 100,001 250,000 5,000 + 2% For an amount exceeding 100,000
    3 250,001 500,000 7,500 + 1.7% For an amount exceeding 250 thousand
    4 500,001 1,000,000 10,000 + 1.5% For an amount exceeding 500,000
    5 1,000,001 2,000,000 15,000 + 1.3% For an amount exceeding 1 million
    6 2,000,001 4,000,000 20,000 + 1% For an amount exceeding 2 million
    7 4,000,001 6,000,000 25,000 + 0.07% For an amount exceeding 4 million
    8 6,000,001 8,000,000 30,000 + 0.05% For an amount exceeding 6 million
    9 8,000,001 10,000,000 35,000 + 0.03% For an amount exceeding 8 million
    10 Over 10 million   40,000 + 0.01% For an amount exceeding 10 million

    All the above-stated amounts are calculated in Bahraini dinars.

    Table No. (2) Part II Fees for an Arbitration Tribunal Constituted of Three Arbitrators
    # Disputed Amount Fees for an Arbitration Tribunal Constituted of Three Arbitrators
    From To
    1 Up to 100,000 10,000
    2 100,001 250,000 10,000 + 5% For an amount exceeding 100,000
    3 250,001 500,000 15,000 + 3% For an amount exceeding 250 thousand
    4 500,001 1,000,000 20,000 + 2% For an amount exceeding 500,000
    5 1,000,001 2,000,000 25,000 + 1.5% For an amount exceeding 1 million
    6 2,000,001 4,000,000 35,000 + 1.3% For an amount exceeding 2 million
    7 4,000,001 6,000,000 45,000 + 1% For an amount exceeding 4 million
    8 6,000,001 8,000,000 55,000 + 0.07% For an amount exceeding 6 million
    9 8,000,001 10,000,000 65,000 + 0.05% For an amount exceeding 8 million
    10 Over 10 million   75,000 + 0.03% For an amount exceeding 10 million

    All the above-stated amounts are calculated in Bahraini dinars.

  4. Article (4)

    General Provisions

    1. "Arbitration expenses" refereed in these Regulations shall mean the Centre’s fees, administrative fees, Arbitrators' fees, transportation and accommodation expenses of Arbitrators and witnesses, experts and translators fees, and other expenses.
    2. The fees provided for in Tables No. (1 and 2) do not include transportation and accommodation costs for the Arbitration Tribunal, in addition to the place of arbitration and the Secretariat of the Arbitration Tribunal fees if the place of arbitration is in a location other than the Centre’s headquarters.
    3. The Secretary-General of the Centre shall determine the administrative fee and estimate the other arbitration expenses provisionally, and then determine the amount of the initial expenses to be paid by the Parties to the dispute prior to the commencement of the arbitration proceedings (Article 23, Paragraph (a) of the Regulations, and Article 67, Paragraph (1), of the Rules).
    4. The Secretary-General shall require the Parties to the dispute to pay the expenses prescribed on an equal basis therebetween. If either Party fails to pay its share of the expenses within the prescribed period, the Secretary-General shall inform the other Party to pay the full expenses. If the expenses are not paid by said Party, the arbitration proceedings may be stayed or terminated (Article 23 Paragraph (b) of the Regulations, and Article 68 Paragraph (2) of the Rules).
    5. The Secretary-General may, at any time during the course of the arbitration proceedings, request the Parties to the dispute to deposit supplementary amounts against the provisionally estimated arbitration expenses (Article 23 Paragraph (a) of the Regulations, and Article 68 Paragraph (1) of the Rules). The principle of equal payment between the Parties to the dispute is adopted for all amounts determined by the Secretary-General. If one Party refrains from payment, the Secretary-General shall inform the other Parties to pay the abstention Party's share. If neither of the Parties pay, the Secretary-General or the Tribunal may stay or terminate the arbitration proceedings.
    6. Amounts prescribed by the Secretary-General must be deposited within 30 days from the date of receipt of the payment instruction (Article 23 Paragraph (b) of the Regulations, and Article 68 Paragraph (2) of the Rules).
    7. The counter-claims shall be treated as the original request and shall be charged in accordance with the two attached tables that breakdown administrative and Arbitrators’ fees. The Secretary-General shall determine additional expenses to be paid by the Party which made such requests without prejudice to the principle of equal reimbursement of such expenses.
    8. If the amount of the dispute is not specified, the Secretary-General of the Centre shall fix the administrative and Arbitrators' fees in light of the magnitude of the case, with the administrative fee not exceeding the maximum stipulated in the Administrative Fees Table (not less than 100,000 dinars).
    9. All payments made on the account of arbitration expenses shall be deposited in the Centre's treasury in accordance with the financial regulations of the Centre and shall remain therein until the rendering of the Arbitrators’ final award.
    10. The Arbitration Tribunal shall determine which Party bears the expenses and fees in whole or in part.
    11. After the award is rendered, the Secretary-General shall prepare a statement of deposits and expenses relating to the dispute and submit it to the Parties for final settlement of the reimbursement of excess deposits or the collection of the remaining expenses in accordance with the provisions organised by the Centre's Regulations (Article 23, Paragraph (c)).
    12. In the event of amicable settlement by the Parties after the submission of the request for arbitration and before the commencement of the arbitration proceedings, the Centre shall receive administrative fees for the services it provided to the Parties not exceeding 2% of the value of the dispute and not less than 3,000 Bahraini dinars. The referred-to administrative fees shall be determined by a decision of the Secretary-General.
    13. If the Parties request the Arbitration Tribunal to stay and terminate the arbitration proceedings or request proof of the conciliation or settlement they have agreed upon and the Tribunal has rendered a final award thereon, or if the arbitration was terminated for any other reason prior to a final award arbitration proceedings ", The center receives the full administrative fees and the Secretary-General shall, at his discretion and at the stage reached in the arbitration proceedings, determine the percentage of prescribed fees due to the Arbitration Tribunal. The Secretary-General may also seek the discretion of the Presiding Arbitrator.
    14. If the request for arbitration exceeds six months and the Parties decide to reverse the recourse to arbitration after payment of expenses and before the commencement of arbitration proceedings, the Centre is entitled to deduct administrative fees equivalent to 10% of the total expenses paid as compensation for the services provided to the Parties. No part of the fees and expenses shall be refunded if one year passes from the date of the submission of the request.